OAW International Incoming Fellowship 2024 is offered for Research Fellow/ Scientist degree in the field of All research fields offered by the university.
The Austrian Academy of Sciences is offering this scholarship, which has a monthly value of up to EUR 2,700 and partial funding. With the exception of Austria, all nationals are eligible for this scholarship.
Brief Description:
Since 2016, the Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) has provided an entering fellowship. Thus, when preparing applications for them to use grant programs, highly qualified scientists who meet the requirements for submission for Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowships or an ERC Starting or Consolidator Grant and who plan to submit a proposal to the OeAW will be able to familiarize themselves with the services of the OeAW and their future host institution.
Applications are invited from yoke-qualified scientists from all disciplines who meet the requirements for applying for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship, an ERC Starting Grant or an ERC Consolidator Grant and intend to take advantage of one of these funding opportunities and to locate the research project at the OeAW.
Documents required:
The HORIZON Incoming Fellowship covers up to EUR 8,100 in accommodation costs per fellow (maximum EUR 2,700 per month for a maximum of three months), as well as one-time compensation for travel expenses (outward and return journey).