The National College Of Ireland Future Leaders Scholarship 2023 is available to students pursuing a Masters degree in any subject area the university offers. Your application must be submitted by April 30, 2023. The National College of Ireland (NCI) is the provider of this scholarship, which has a value of just tuition costs and a 50% fee waiver. Except for Ireland, all nationalities may apply for this award.
For overseas students, National College of Ireland offers a wide range of scholarships and bursaries with the goal of recognizing achievement and fostering diversity within our student community. The National College of Ireland (NCI) has therefore established the NCI Future Leaders Scholarship, which is only accessible for Masters programs beginning in September.
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To apply for one of these scholarships applicants must have a full offer to study a Masters programme at NCI by downloading the attached form.
Value of the Scholarship:
Successful applicants of the NCI Future Leaders Scholarship will receive a scholarship worth of 50% of tuition fees .