Details For FUJIFILM Masters Scholarship in Computer Science 2023 In New Zealand:
FUJIFILM Masters Scholarship in Computer Science 2023 is offered for Masters degree in the field of Computer Science.
The application submission date is November 1, 2023. The value of this scholarship, which is offered by Victoria University of Wellington, is Full Funding, stipend + fees. All citizens are eligible to apply for this scholarship.
- Degree: Masters
- University: Victoria University of Wellington
- Deadline: 01 Nov 2023
- Scholarship value: Full Funding, stipend + fees
- Location: New Zealand
Victoria University of Wellington is providing support to Master’s students in Computer Science when the suggested topic has economic potential by granting the Fuji Film Masters Scholarship in Computer Science.
More Scholarships:
- Applicants of the Fuji Film Masters Scholarship in Computer Science must be top students with an intention to pursue a Master’s in the field of Computer Science.
- Candidates applying for Fuji Film Masters Scholarship in Computer Science must demonstrate evidence of the hardship they are facing.
- Application forms and proof of hardship they are facing must be submitted by the applicants.
- Demonstrate academic excellence and financial hardship.