Australia Onshore Excellence Scholarship at University of Newcastle 2023

Organization: The University of Newcastle
Education Level: Bachelor and Masters
Category: Scholarship
Funding Type: Partial Funded
Gender: Male and Female
Deadline: Deadline varies
Location: Australia

Details For Australia Onshore Excellence Scholarship at University of Newcastle:

In 2023, the University of Newcastle will provide Onshore Excellence Scholarships for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in all academic specialties.

Your application must be submitted by a deadline that varies. The University of Newcastle is offering this scholarship, which has a Partial Funding value of AU$10,000 per year. Except for Australians, all nationalities may apply for this Scholarship.

  • Degree: Bachelors, Masters 
  • Location : Australis 
  • Provided by: The University of Newcastle
  • Deadline: Deadline varies
  • Scholarship value: Partial Funding, AU$10,000 per year

Onshore Excellence Scholarship is provided by The University of Newcastle to students who enrolled themselves in a bachelor’s or master’s course at the university.

Eligibility Criteria of Onshore Excellence Scholarships:  

An approved undergraduate or postgraduate coursework degree program at the University (excluding ELICOS, Enabling, Non-Award, Higher Degrees by Research programs, and programs offered at offshore campuses) is where applicants must begin their studies.
Candidates must be full-fee paying international students.
Candidates should not receive a separate University scholarship unless a special dispensation has been approved in advance by the institution.

Value of the Scholarship:

All successful applicants of the Onshore Excellence Scholarship will receive AU$10,000 for each year of study under a full-time study load, apportioned over each course taken (pro-rata with an approved load reduction on program plan, credits exemptions, progression, or wellbeing grounds) from the University .




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