NeuroCure PhD Fellowships In Germany Fully Funded

Organization: University Medicine Berlin
Education Level: PHD
Category: Scholarship
Funding Type: Fully Funded
Gender: Male and Female
Deadline: Deadline varies
Location: Germany

Details For Germany Fellowship :

The NeuroCure PhD Fellowships is offered for PhD degree in the field of Areas related to nervous systems.  The deadline for the sending your application is Deadline varies. This scholarship is provided by University Medicine Berlin and the value of this scholarship is Full Funding, Stipend per month . This scholarship is open for: Open to all nationalities.

  • Degree: PhD
  • Location : Germany
  • Provided by: University Medicine Berlin
  • Deadline: Deadline varies
  • Scholarship value: Full Funding, Stipend per month

NeuroCure Ph.D. Fellowships

Until 2016, NeuroCure offered Ph.D. fellowships to outstanding Ph.D. candidates in close cooperation with the International Graduate Program Medical Neurosciences. Selected candidates had the opportunity to join up to three NeuroCure labs during a six-month rotational period before they decided in which lab to pursue their Ph.D. thesis.

Consistent with the Medical Neurosciences program, the Ph.D. featured an interdisciplinary approach to neurosciences, linking basic and clinical brain research. Ph.D. fellowships formerly offered by NeuroCure are now awarded by the Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin (ECN).

To harmonize the many existing graduate training programs in Berlin, NeuroCure, in cooperation with the Berlin School of Mind and Brain, the Bernstein Center for Computational Neuroscience Berlin, and the Center for Stroke Research Berlin, successfully applied for funding for an Einstein Center through the Einstein Foundation.

The Einstein Center for Neurosciences Berlin now provides Ph.D. scholarships through a competitive selection procedure. The first cohort started in the fall of 2017.

Research areas: Fellowships are available in the following subject areas:

  • Molecular mechanisms of nervous system development and function
  • Mechanisms of neural damage and cellular age
  • Endogenous brain protection
  • Nervous system regeneration
  • Crosstalk between the nervous and immune system
  • Developmental disturbances
  • Synaptic plasticity


  • Formal qualification is an MSc or equivalent degree.
  • Outstanding candidates with a BSc degree are also eligible after assessment of their qualifications.




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